Tel. 01307 462 271 | Fax. 01307 464 081



Forfar, May 2008. When new regulations are introduced to any industry there is an evolutionary period during which they are incorporated into the way that industry works. However, as with the introduction of change into any organisation, or group of organisations, this period follows a cycle of adjustment, confusion and transition before final acceptance. Here, Steve Robertson, of packaged gas handling specialist RITCHIE, explains how the application of TPED, the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive, to the storage and transportation of pressurised gases can be likened to this process.

From left to right; Andrew Edwards (Marketing & Business Development Manager, Ritchie) & Lord Forsyth

“We are honoured that the Combi Clamp has been recognised for such a prestigious award,” said Dr Edwards. “It is a credit to all those involved, from the original idea through to the development, manufacture and supply of each Combi Clamp which has been making life easier and safer for sheep farmers for years. Coincidentally this award has been presented as Ritchie have launched our all new Combi Clamp trailer at this year’s Royal Highland Show.”

The Combi Clamp is a New Zealand designed, UK manufactured, sheep handling implement used for dagging, drenching, vaccinating, tagging and foot trimming of sheep and goats. This labour saving device allows the sheep to run up the race to the clamp to be at a convenient height to carry out the required tasks without any back-breaking, manhandling of the sheep. A simple foot treadle plate utilises the operator’s weight to securely and safely clamp the sheep in the Combi Clamp allowing animal husbandry tasks to be completed with minimal stress to the beast or operator. The clamp width can be adjusted to allow small lambs, pregnant ewes or even large breeds to be accommodated comfortably. The Combi Clamp has been modified over the years and can now be upgraded to carry out digital weighing, EID reading with auto-shedding, and various options are available for making the Combi Clamp unit mobile, including an ATV kit and the all new, road-legal trailer.

New Products

At this year’s Royal Highland Show, Ritchie will be launching a number of new and innovative products that complement our agricultural portfolio.

Combi Clamp Trailer – a new ‘drop-and-use’ trailer has been introduced for use with the award winning Combi Clamp. This affordable addition to the Combi Clamp range, is a high quality, road legal trailer that makes it simple to move the Combi Clamp and get straight into those sheep handling tasks. RRP – £3,375

Root and Grain Bucket XL – the popular Root and Grain bucket now has a BIG brother, with an increase in capacity of approximately 50%. This unit allows potatoes, beet and grains to be effectively chopped and distributed into feed troughs or onto the floor. RRP – £5,900

CosyHome – hygienic, housing for calf groups. RRP from – £1,800

Texwall – a fabric, temporary, bulk wall solution for grain, woodchip, etc.

Stock Cube II – a rethink of our ORIGINAL mobile forcing system, that now allows the operator to set up for a left or right sweep of the cattle. RRP – £4,300


Established 150 years ago, supplying products to the Agricultural Industry, Ritchie have developed into a global supplier of high quality products and services to a wide range of industries.

Our customers are as diverse as our products, including multi-national blue chip organisations as well as small independents.  Our products are exported worldwide including the North Sea, Europe, West Africa, Caspian Sea, North & South America, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and the Far East.


Ritchie Ltd,
Carseview Road,

01307 462 271

01307 464 081

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